Our family was so lucky to have special visitors for Easter this year. Uncle Brian and Aunt Nicole came out from Ohio to spend Spring Break with us. After picking them up from the airport, we drove straight to Bear Lake. On our way, we stopped in Logan at the cemetary to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ballif. Brian and Nicole had never been there. After that, we drove through snow and hail to make it to our condo. We thought we were doomed to have bad weather all weekend. Fortunately, we were lucky to have beautiful weather the whole time. We spent time at the pool, at the lake, at the park and on the golf course.
The kids were afraid that the Easter Bunny would not know that we were not home and that he would not find us at Bear Lake.... I think he found his way! Eggs were hidden and gifts were left behind. It was more difficult for the kids to find the eggs this year since they were not hidden in the "usual" spots like they are at home.

Although the water was too cold for swimming, the kids had a great time digging in the sand while the grown ups played games of ladderball. We also spent time blowing and catching bubbles as well as off roading in our car.... and yes, I mean our van! It was quite the adventure! The kids yelled, "Do it again Daddy!"

Aren't they naturals! They will be great parents. I think they got a good look at what they will be getting themselves into come December!

We spent a lot of time at the pool of course!

Our last stop was at the park where the kids and I and Aunt Nicole hung out while Daddy and Uncle Brian went golfing. My battery died so my picture of Lexy didn't come out... but look at my little monkey boy and his brave little sister on the swing. We had a great time.