Thursday, February 5, 2009

Computer Melt Down

I am dying here! Our computer is having "techinical" difficulties and I have not been able to add anything to my blog in forever! I have been keeping up with all of yours and been very jealous! Not that too much has been going on really, but there are a few things to share. I hate that I am adding a blog without a picture, but I can't download any right now. In a nutshell, things have gone a little back to normal since Christmas. Ethan is back to school, (as am I), Lexy gets to play with Tayli everyday:), and Bella... well, she's just sweet little Bella getting bigger and happier each day! Tony, however, has since gotten a promotion at the gym! YEAH! It should be a good thing, but mostly scary for the next little while. The nice thing is, he will be coming home during the middle of the day to watch the girls while I work. That will be great daddy-daughter time! He will quit his job with the chiropractor next week and work only at the gym from now on. He is doing awesome and loves being there. I'm so happy for him. This week, I have SEP conferences at school. I don't know any teacher who loves those! Having to meet with every parent to discuss how "well" their child is doing... it's not very fun when the child is not doing so "well". Wish me luck! With things like this going on, I need something to look forward to in the future. Here are a few things that we have to look forward to in the next few months:

March- My best friend and her family will be up here to visit! Can't wait to see you Mandi.
April- Uncle Brian and Aunt Nicole will be here for Easter Break! Bella's 1st birthday!
May- Ethan's 6th birthday! School ends!
June- Lexy's 4th birthday! My best friend's little sister is getting married! Congratulations Allison!
July- Trip to California!
Even if things seem slow now, they are really going to pick up in the next few months! We're so excited to see all of our family and friends so soon!

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