First, to start off this crazy week, my car was hit on Monday night. A girl thought that she didn't have to look in her rear view mirror before she backed up in a parking lot. Go figure... Anyway, we have been dealing with insurance issues all week and needless to say, it is Friday, I do not have a rental yet and my car is still not in the shop! I am a little frustrated at this point. But the things that have happened in the last 24 hours have brought me back to reality and really reminded me of what things should be most important in my life. That would be my family. So, here is story number one about Lexy.
My girls go to a neighbor's house while I teach at the school in the afternoons. I went to pick them up and Lexy was upstairs with her friend dancing to some music. My friend told me that they got a hold of her I-pod and she apoligized for some of the music that they might be dancing to. I wasn't worried.... then the girls came out to see me and they were dancing singing this song "MuHum, MuHum, MuHum, MuHum, MuHum". For those of you who don't speak pre-school, this is what they were trying to sing "My Hump, My Hump, My Hump, My Hump, My Hump." We were dying! It was the funniest thing seeing these two 3/4 year olds shaking their little behinds to a song that they didn't understand at all. I wish I had the video camera!
So here's Ethan's story. I had two choices when it happened... get really angry, or just laugh my head off. I chose to laugh!
So, out of nowhere last night around 11pm, Bella woke up screaming. It was so strange because she never wakes up and this was a painful, painful scream. After about 20-30 minutes of this we realized that it was just gas and after some Milicon drops (the greatest stuff in the world for babies) she was back to sleep. But during her screaming, she woke up Ethan. At this time, I was laying in bed and heard Ethan wake up. After a minute or so I heard him go down stairs where dad was trying to help Bella. Then Ethan came back upstairs crying. At this point I was a little confused. I got up to check on him. He was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. I saw that there was nothing in the toilet, but some wet spots on the bathroom mat. I said "Ethan, did you pee on the floor?" While crying, he just said "I don't know." Of course the tired irritated mom at this point says "What do you mean you don't know?" He responds with "I don't know??" He got off the toilet and starts to put his jammies back on when he says "My jammies are wet mom." At this point I'm a little bugged and say "Ethan let's go in your room and change your clothes, it looks like you missed the toilet." So we go to his room, he's changing his clothes when I look toward his dirty clothes hamper. I see drops of wetness on the floor! Then I say (almost yell- remember, in my defense, I have been up with a screaming baby for a while too) "Ethan, did you pee on the floor?" He responds with the same "I don't know?" Then I see his jeans hanging over the edge of his hamper and they are soaked! I finally put two and two together and realize that when Ethan first got out of bed, he must have had to go to the bathroom, walked straight over to his closet (assuming it was the bathroom) and tried to pee in his hamper!!!! He must have been woken up in such a sound state that he didn't even know where he was. Poor kid!! Of course I ran down stairs to share the story with Tony and together we laughed. How can you get made at that!!!