No, lexy didn't dump him out of any stroller... he really lost his first tooth! Ethan was so excited to have a loose tooth. It felt like forever that it was loose. We couldn't wait for it to fall out. The new tooth could be seen before the baby tooth ever fell out. Ethan was excited that it fell out at school, and he was even more excited to see what the tooth fairy had left him under his pillow.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Trip to visit Grandma Gengler in California
Tony and I moved from Northern California to Utah in June of 2002. We have only been back a few times since then. The last time was when Ethan was 4 months old... about 6 years ago. Needless to say, a trip to see Grandma Gengler was long over due. I decided that she needed to meet my daughter's too! My mom and I drove with the kids to see her in October.
Oct. 2009

During our stay, we were able to visit Tony's Aunt Michellee and her kids, Frank Lou, Courtnee, and Chelsee. My kids had a great time running around with other kids.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
8 years later...
Happy 8th Anniversary!
8 years ago Tony and I were sealed in the Oakland Temple by my grandpa. What an amazing experience! It was a perfect day. 8 years later, and 3 kids later, we are so grateful for the things that we have been blessed with during our marriage. I am so lucky to be married to my best friend. I love you Tony.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bahama's 2009
I can not even describe how GREAT our vacation was to the Bahamas this year. We were so lucky to be able to go and have Tony's parents come to our home to watch the kids while we were gone. There is no way we would have been able to go without them. Thank you, thank you, thank you Nana and Papa! (The kids loved having you here!)
Tony and I enjoyed a week in the Bahamas with our good friends Mandi and Josh Milius.
Of course we have tons of pictures to share, but I tried to narrow it down to the fun ones!
Of course we have tons of pictures to share, but I tried to narrow it down to the fun ones!
At the bonfire, we enjoyed Bahamian food and live entertainment including a fire dance. The fire dancer singed Tony's leg hairs! It was so funny. Tony and I also won a dance/partner competition thingy where we won a bottle of Vodka. Needless to say, a sweet newlywed couple got a nice honeymoon gift from some strangers who don't drink!
Taking advantage of the pool area at Tino Beach. Their pool area included a water slide and a swim-up-to bar. Tony and Josh thought it would be funny to "play" at the bar. Hence the picture of them pretending to be trapped under the water. Really, I don't think we needed much more entertainment than Tony and Josh on this trip!
Some of the cool things we would find along the beach; a beautiful flower growing out of a rock, and these crazy white crabs that would run sideways along the beach.
And some of the "not so beautiful" things we would see along the beach!! Just kidding Tony! (check out the "wings" sticking out of Tony's goggles)
Bahama's National Park
There were really neat caves to explore and the beautiful beach to enjoy here.
Mandi and I enjoyed the calm, shallow waters while Tony and Josh swam out to the island for some snorkeling. We could literally sit about 30 yards into the water without being hit by waves. It was beautiful!
A day of snorkeling off a boat in the open waters. On the boat was a water slide and a rock climbing wall. That afternoon was a blast!
We drove out to Deadman's Reef to do some snorkeling. There we saw some sting ray, turtles, and some jelly fish. Believe it or not, we're pretty sure that Tony, Josh, and Mandi were all stung by jelly fish during our trip (not at Deadman's Reef).
Seriously, could we look any more like tourists! Check out the size of our tiny car! We were shocked that Josh could fit!
Our last night.... enjoying ourselves on a sunset dinner cruise. It was beautiful. Good food, great entertainment, and great friends to share it with. Thanks for joining us in the Bahamas Mandi and Josh! We had such a WONDERFUL time!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Poor Bella
Look closely at her mouth....
Today while I was at work, I called home to see how Lexy's day was at pre-school. Tony answered and I asked him how everything was going. "Not good" was his reply. I said "What happened?" He told me that Lexy wanted to push Bella home on their way back from pre-school. Lexy started running while pushing the stroller and the stroller tipped over smashing Bella's face right into the ground. Poor thing. Lexy then fell on top of the stroller that Bella was still under. Tony yelled at Lexy to get up fast as he was rushing over to help. Evidentally, Lexy wasn't moving fast enough so Tony pulled her off and tossed her to the side. She said "But dad, I'm hurt too." He said, "But not like your sister!" She was bleeding, scratched up on the face with scratches over most of her hands and knees, and left with half of a front tooth. I felt so bad hearing that this had happened. She just looked so sad for the rest of the day. Cold drinks didn't taste so good to her after that. We'll get to the dentist on Wednesday to see what they can do for her. I guess we should be greatful that it is a baby tooth, but she will have to have that tooth for another 5 years or so! Poor Bella.... but like I said, I'm sure Bella will payback her big sister some day, some how!
Friday, August 28, 2009
First Day of Pre-School
Our little girl started Pre-School! She said she had such a good time. She was so excited to talk about it for the rest of the day!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A Day of Firsts...
My 1st Born
Started his 1st Day
of 1st Grade!
Ethan was so excited to start his first day of first grade at a new school. North Point is where Ethan and I both will be spending a lot of our time!
My 1st Daughter
Started her 1st year of Soccer!
Lexy's first practice was a couple of days ago and she was way excited! However, she had her first soccer game today and she wasn't quite sure what she was doing!! We'll see if she gets into it like Ethan in the next few games!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Summer 2009
5 things I LOVE about this summer...
1. Our family got to visit all of my siblings and their families. (Except for my brother Marcus and his family. He's in Iraq and his family is in Texas)
2. Our family got to visit all of Tony's family in Ohio.
3. We got a new cousin/nephew. Baby Trey was born in July. Congrats Sam!
4. Found out that we will be getting a new cousin/nephew in December. Congrats Nicole!
5. Bella started walking!
5 things I HATE about this summer...
1. Tony's brother Brian had to suffer through 6 weeks of radiation.
2. Tony's Grandmother passed away.
3. I had to drive by myself with 4 kids to California and back.
4. I didn't get any projects at home finished.... or started for that matter!
5. It's over!!!!
Yes... school meetings start on Monday. I am ready for consistency, but not for waking up at 6am!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Great Grandma Rico
This last Monday, August 3, Tony's Grandmother, Nickie Rico passed away. We will miss grandma very much. She was such as fun lady! We were so lucky to have the chance to visit with her in June. At that time, she had just injured her leg and was in the hospital. Unfortunately, she was never able to recover fully from that and suffered other complications from her injury. It is comforting to know that she is no longer suffering and she can now be at peace with Great Grandpa Rico and other family members who have passed before her. However, she will be greatly missed by all of those she has left behind.
Four generations: Great Grandma Rico, Grandpa Rico, Tony, and Ethan
Great Grandma Rico with the kids
(June 2009)
(June 2009)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Busy Summer with Lots of Family!
July turned out to be a Very Busy month for our family! We enjoyed a great family vacation in June with Tony's side of the family, and July was spent with my side of the family. After being home only 4 days from Ohio, my nephew Benjamin flew out to our house from California to stay with us. We had him at our house for about 10 days before me, my 3 kids and Benjamin all packed up for a road trip to California. I must say that the kids were great for that trip. I was so grateful for Benjamin's help. We stayed in California for 5 days where I got to see my sister and her family which included my newest nephew, Trey. I also got to spend some time with my other sister when she returned from her vacation. Then, the kids and I packed up for a trip back to Utah with my sister Samantha and 4 of her 5 kids. They stayed at our house for a week. Many of our activities included my brother David' family, as well as grandma and grandpa. These activities included a day at Raging Waters, a hike up Bridal Veil Falls, shopping in Park City, Bowling, a walk through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House, Fireworks, and a couple of family BBQs along the way. A weeks worth of lots of Family FUN!
(Born July 2, 2009)
(Yes, she is officially walking now!)
Bowling with my sister Samantha and her kids, Trey, Trenton, Tyra and Taylor. Courtney also decided to join us. All of the cousins had a blast!
(Unfortunately, I didn't pull my camera out at many of our activities. I am waiting to get some of those pictures from my sister and will post them next time)
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