Happy Easter!
The kids were excited to decorate the eggs this year! There were stickers to decorate these eggs with funny faces too! Everybody went to bed feeling excited to wake up and hunt for those eggs. Unfortunately, Lexy woke up during the night throwing up. It was so sad. She woke up feeling horrible but was a trooper. She hunted for the eggs along side Ethan and Bella, but as soon as the eggs were found, she went straight to my bed to rest. She threw up a few more times that day, but after some rest, she finally felt better. We had Easter dinner at my mom and dad's house and everybody felt great! (Unfortunately, within the next couple of days, we have all had whatever it is that she had. Thank goodness it is Spring Break and we can lay around and do nothing for a few days!)

Ready to dye those eggs!
Ready to dye those eggs!